Pauline Young

07890 612 155


About Me

After many years as a careers guidance professional I learnt AT in 2001 and discovered the enormous potential of this mind/body therapy to facilitate favourable changes in my life.  It is a complementary adjunct to the process of career choice and career management. And, as an independent therapy it also has the capacity to enhance health and wellbeing. We all face strain and stress in our lives and through deep physical and mental relaxation, the regular practice of AT allows us to tune into and utilise the body’s own self-righting mechanisms and counterbalance the effects of stress. 

I have found it to be a direct and simple approach to peace of mind. I am a qualified Autogenic Training therapist with the British Autogenic Society and teach individuals and groups in my Suffolk based practice.  Following an initial consultation my AT course comprises eight weekly one hour sessions, wherein each client can experience their own unique process of healing and self-knowledge. AT can be easily learnt and once you have mastered this powerful self-help technique you possess an empowering skill that you can draw on throughout life.


BA (Hons), MSc Psychology, DipCG, DipAT 

Autogenic Training;  Autogenic Meditation; Creativity Mobilisation Technique

Member of the British Autogenic Society &  British Psychological Society

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