About Me
I am a qualified doctor and I practise Provocative Therapy, the cutting edge in the use of reverse psychology and humour in brief psychotherapy. I am a fully qualified, practising medical doctor registered with the General Medical Council. (Membership number 2558165)
I am a medical doctor specialising in Whole Person Medicine. I have a profound belief in the self-healing ability of body and mind and that the health of each is profoundly affected by the other. Wherever possible I use medical tools that are aimed at encouraging self healing. As a qualified medical doctor I have the utmost respect for scientific medicine. Nevertheless I believe that much of mainstream medicine does not pay enough attention to therapies and therapeutic systems aimed at whole people as well as tissues, organs and diseases.
In most clinical situations where there is no immediate risk of permanent damage, it is reasonable to attempt to treat the whole person as an initial plan. In this regard I have found Autogenic Therapy to be very powerful. Most doctors agree that well over 50% of patients are suffering from conditions that are either caused or exacerbated by stress. Yet few actually teach patients how to distress and stress-proof themselves to the best of their ability.
As a doctor I’ve used Autogenic Training as a powerful stress-releasing technique for nearly 30 years and have seen profound changes in people suffering from both physical problems and psychological stress. I value AT also because it empowers patients to help themselves on a daily basis rather than only being the passive recipient of drugs or surgical procedures – which of course also have an important place in medical practice.