About Me
I currently work with individuals face to face or via Zoom.
I trained and worked as a state registered nurse for 15 years before discovering Autogenic Training for myself. My personal experience of using AT showed me the exciting yet neglected potential of self-healing processes. As a natural progression I moved into the ‘autogenic world’ and was very fortunate to train with Dr Wolfgang Luthe and others, starting up my own practice. I am a Founder Member of the British Autogenic Society (1984 – previously known as British Association for Autogenic Training and Therapy), serving as a Trustee at various times.
In 2009 I joined the staff at the Royal London Hospital for Integrative Medicine (NHS), where a team of 3 autogenic therapists deliver group AT courses, part of the 35-year history of the service.
Books: ‘I Could Do with Some of That! – the power of autogenics’. Published 2015 by Legends
(ISBN 978 1 906796 98 3).
Various articles including: ‘GP’ 1994; Positive Health 1997; The Psychotherapist 2008, Issue 39;
Embody Magazine Autumn 2012.
Counsellor – Analysis of Heimler Scale (questionnaire); Heimler Interview Technique
An invaluable adjunct to the autogenic process, the special structured interview of Eugene Heimler enables the client to gain new perspectives, make positive decisions towards specific actions – all of this with the support of the counsellor. I only use these methods if there is particular need before an AT course or after. Never simultaneously, as the autogenic process should always be respected in its own right, without intervention.
Industry – Stress Management Consultant
I have delivered AT courses in various work settings. Results have consistently shown increased performance and productivity; less absenteeism; improved self-esteem, confidence and coping ability. All of this likely to be due to improved general health and reduction of stress-related symptoms.