Welcome to the
British Autogenic Society

Start your journey. With us. 

Autogenic Training (AT) is an effective way of tapping into our natural self-righting  processes. We already have in place nature’s internal mechanisms for self-adjustment, and AT helps us to access these as a daily habit.

AT is a simple, safe and drug-free technique, which you learn with a trained autogenic therapist and practise for yourself.

Many people are in a low-grade stress reaction mode for much of the time, without being aware of it. They are often suffering troubling symptoms: anxiety, sleep disorders, mild depression, fatigue, chronic pain, recurring infections and many more. 

AT engages mind and body in deep relaxation (body)  and repetitive, structured meditative ‘exercises’ (mind). This is easily accessible for a few minutes each day.


With AT the mind-body system is gently re-educated to allow more appropriate responses to stress, rather than succumb to inappropriate disruptive reactions (fight and flight). 

AT treats the person, not the problem, making it a holistic and empowering skill for life.

All you need is a healthy curiosity as to what AT is about and apply yourself to learn it.

The outcomes depend on what you put into it

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